Thursday, 20 February 2014

Striving: a right, a responsibility and a risk

This blogpost is on the new Authors of our lives blog. This is a brilliant blog about positive ideas on the future of independent living. ‘To be truly radical is to make hope possible, rather than despair convincing’ – Raymond Chandler, Resources of Hope

I will be back blogging on my blog regularly now.

1 comment:

  1. Good one Jan, very thought provoking - as ever! You never fail to amaze me with your powerful ambitions and voice despite having an incredibly reduced physical ability where to even get out of bed is a major operation. I love your spirit and I will strive to be more like you. I don't believe the 'able bodied' even think about what it is like to be in your position - we lack the imagination frankly. Thank you for making us more aware.
